Sunday, April 02, 2006

Plans with a hope and a future

In Jeremiah 29, God calls the Israelite exiles to build houses and settle down in Babylon, planting gardens and raising kids, seeking the peace and prosperity of the city. As I shared that message with a local church in our neighborhood this morning, encouraging them to continue as owners and not live as renters, I realized that I was worrying so much about the future that I myself was not living as an owner in my heart.

But God says in Jeremiah 29:11 that He knows the plans He has for the exiles in Babylon, plans to prosper and not to harm, plans with a hope and a future. He speaks those words to a people who are being sorely tempted to live with the future in mind.

So, like the Israelites, my call is to settle in and love life here until God reveals the next step, knowing that His heart towards me is good and kind. That sure beats trying to figure it out myself.

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